Tuesday, December 25, 2012

You Are the Result of Yourself

You Are The Result Of Yourself

Don’t blame anyone, never complain of anyone or anything
Because basically you have made of your life what you wanted.
Accept the difficulties of edifying yourself
And the worth of starting to correct your character.
The triumph of the true man arises from the ashes of his mistakes.
Never complain of your loneliness or your luck.
Face it with courage and accept it.
Somehow, they are the result of your acts and
It shows that you’ll always win.
Don’t feel frustrated of your own failures, neither unload them to someone else.
Accept yourself now or you’ll go on justifying yourself like a child.
Remember that any time is good to start
And that no time is so good to give up.
Don’t forget that the cause of your present is your past,
As the cause of your future will be your present.
Learn from the brave, from the strong,
From who doesn’t accept situations
From who will live in spite of everything.
Think less of your problems and more of your work.
Learn to arise from your pain,
And to be greater than the greatest of your obstacles.
Look at the mirror of yourself and you’ll be free and strong
And you’ll stop being a puppet of circumstances.
For you yourself are your destiny.
Wake up and stare at the sun in the mornings and breathe the sun of dawn.
You’re part of the strength of your life now,
Rise up, fight, walk, be sure and you’ll win in life.
Don’t ever think of ‘fate’
For fate is the excuse of failures.
— Attributed to Pablo Neruda (Chilean Writer)

I had forgotten about this poem for a long time. I hope you take something from it like I have.


Christmas is quite plentiful this year...

So, officially it is Christmas. I am home at my mom's in Massillon sitting on the couch surrounded by presents. And a cat who wants to play with a ribbon but jumping isn't her strong suit anymore (sorry Lily, lay off the cat food!) I am warm, with a roof over my head, there will be plenty of food for me tomorrow to eat, let alone now in this house. I have this over whelming feeling of gratefulness, of being so lucky, so blessed and yet so overwhelmed.

For most people know that this past year or more like year and a half has been really tough. Parents went through a fairly nasty divorce, one of my sisters went down a nasty hole and thankfully came out of it so much stronger, I have been dealing with my completely screwy finances and my boyfriend's family went through their own hell but, yet, as I sit here I can't help but feel so fucking lucky that I have what I have. I am still a slightly angry, bitter 5 year old who feels like her world crumbled when her parents stopped loving one another and I know I am allowed to feel that way for a good long while. Even as an adult child I am still going to be that sad little one on the inside. But they both still love me. My sister is so much better. Both are going through life at such a wonderful, exciting pace getting ready to become adults. And we have pretty decent relationships! I am gone 75% of the year and yet we still get along and I know they love me.

I have gotten so many great things, literally, this past year. Lots of opportunities to eat at great places, so many presents and new things to try! For someone on a limited budget of sorts I have a lot of stuff! Holy crap! I fucking got a car this year thanks to my future mother-in-law! I have never been more grateful for a gift before of this magnitude and I should know because I essentially threw away the first car ever given to me from my aunt because I was an idiot! I am so lucky! Hell, she even put me on her AAA membership! High end make up from my boyfriend and holy hell this Christmas already!

Ok, I know I have rambled a bit. I am just feeling overwhelmed by what I have, what I have gotten, what I'll end up getting. To me, this next year will be better. Not necessarily easier, but a lot better than it has been. Both my parents love me, plus my biological father. My extended family and my sisters love me. I have wonderful friends, new and old. My boyfriend of over 3 years! I am rich in items and in people in my life. To know that there is so much support, so much love, so much giving of everything they can just lets me know it is time to stop pouting and move on. Life will get better, with work and time and with me having the right mind set. I just know it. And it won't be easy either but I can deal.

If you take away anything from my jumble of thoughts, take this: that you should consider yourself so lucky and blessed for what you have. There are going to be so many more moments in life that knock you on your ass and make you want to stay there but keep moving. Look around you and take in all you have and just remind yourself it could be so much worse. That those who love you will be there no matter what. To shower you with love and kindness and help, among other things. You won't always be happy, but always feel blessed.

I hope everyone has a happy holiday season, whatever they celebrate!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Extinct whale found

I love how the world can still amaze us and it stills shows us we do not know it all. I love it! Here is an article about an "extinct whale" that washed up on shore. Almost nothing is known about this creature and its lineage is traced back to animal that lived 2 million years ago. Now that is awesome!

Starting to exercise....

Tonight was my first workout at Planet Fitness. Oh my lord! Rode on the bike for 17 minutes and then did stretches, lifting and abs for 13 minutes. I do not feel it yet! I honestly figure that if I do 30 minutes of varied exercises for the first 2-3 weeks 3-4 times a week that is a really good start. I do have decent stamina but damn, that bike ride. My thighs are going to screaming in the morning!

Burned around 110 calories which, hey, isn't bad in my book! Gonna shower now to get this stink off me! Good night all!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Forever Red

For the holiday season Bath and Body Works has introduced a new scent, Forever Red. It is divine. 

One of my absolutely favorite scents from Bath and Body Works is Midnight Pomegranate and this one may have taken its place! The sample shown above is .25 fl oz/7 ml and retails for $10. Normally, I am allergic to an type of perfume. And I mean any!!! I become itchy, hives appear the whole shebang but this, amazingly, does not trouble me. 

The scent is light and crisp but it has some warm undertones which I feel makes it suitable for the colder months. According the product page on Bath and Body Works website it has top notes, mild notes and dry notes. Tops notes are fiery pomegranate, rare french peach and luminous apple. Mild notes are red peony, night marigold, red osmanthus. Dry notes are rich vanilla rum, velvety marshmallow, oak wood. 

When I first apply this after I shower or right before I leave for work the smell is just intoxicating! I can smell the apple and pomegranate hit me and envelop me and then the marshmallow and rum linger. At least to me, I cannot distinguish the flowery scents. Maybe too mild for my nose? The one thing I did find with this is that it does not last with me. With some scents and perfumes, they can last up to 4 and even 5 hours on me, especially in my hair. But with this, it doesn't linger long and doesn't leave a lasting impression on me for many to notice which is kind of saddening because I want to share this smell with the world and not like a crazy perfume person in the mall asking if you want to "try a sample" as they aim for your mouth!

Overall, I am kind of in love with this because I try not to spray it so much because it is so expensive. A full size bottle of the Eau de Parfum is $44.50! I am not sure I am willing to shell out that kind of cash. Maybe I'll try the lotion next and see how that fairs. This gets 4.5 out of 5 stars for me. I just wish it would last longer!  

Let me know what you think or if there is any other scent out there worth discussing!



Disclaimer: I received this free as a PR sample from Influenster.com as part of their CosmoVoxBox 2012. All my opinions are honest and my own and I was not paid to write this review.


YES! I have been on hiatus! When life gets stressful I tend to forget about little extras like, oh, MY BLOG! But I'm back! Yes, to all my 2 followers I am back! Hopefully with some new fun things like possibly an article on what may have killed the dinosaurs and some fun product reviews because I am just like that! Of course some recipes of deliciousness and maybe some posts on the fact that it is right around Christmas and I am making a trek back home to Massillon twice in a month! Wooooooo....